The Foundation for Education in Honduras

About FEIH
Providing the children of Honduras with the education they deserve.
The Foundation for Education in Honduras (FEIH) is a charitable organization committed to providing education to children in high-need areas of rural Honduras. FEIH partners directly with local Honduran businesses and groups to renovate rural school buildings and provide school supplies to the children and teachers.
Our Mission
We’re passionate about providing education in Honduras.
We provide necessary resources to Honduran school students in the form of infrastructure, supplies, and support to foster stimulating, productive, and impactful education. We allocate dollars effectively to maximize impact on the region and allow donors to see the significance of their generous contributions.
Our Approach
Our goal is not only to build schools but to provide quality educational spaces for FEIH students and communities.
We require 20-25% local labor, meaning that roughly a quarter of the labor done to build each school has to be volunteered by members of a school’s community. This community collaboration and engagement has been integral to the long-term success of our schools. Additionally, FEIH is primarily a volunteer-run organization ensuring that the majority of funds raised can go directly to our projects.